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Model Nbr - BT103315
Model Nbr - BT103315
6 (Number of Sections) - 15' (Diameter) - 2644 Gallons (Approx. Capacity.) - 10GA. - The Hastings bottomless tank is the only one on the market that is actually engineered to be a bottomless tank. While our competitors use repurposed or rejected grain bin sheets, we utilize a design that is more superior for livestock watering needs. Features include: 10GA or 12GA G90 galvanized steel, a 33" sidewall height for added gallonage, rolled hem on top of the tank provides safety and decreased installation time ( no tricky angle irons to bolt on top). Sheets are notched on the end for complete compression of the seams, meaning fewer leaks for you. Lastly the seams overlap 2.25" and are sealed with butyl tape along with a double row of .3125" steel bolts. (Included with each tank).
Price: Market Pricing